She is clothed with strength and dignity...
Proverbs 31:25a
Minier Christian Church has ministries and small groups that target all people. The goal for our women's ministry is to provide a safe, loving environment for women to connect on a spiritual level and find long-lasting friendships. We value community and believe it is an important component to combat every season of life. Come and see for yourself what MCC Women's Ministry has to offer.
Proverbs 31:26 ~ "She opens her mouth in wisdom,
And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."
Proverbs 31:26 ~ "She opens her mouth in wisdom,
And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue."
Monday Bible Study
Mondays @3:45pm
Location: Classroom 209/211
This Bible Study group is a great opportunity for mothers. Each quarter, this groups dives into unique book studies design to encourage, inspire, and challenge women. This group is open to all ladies high school and older. Take this opportunity to discover the Word of God and interact with a warm, welcoming group of ladies.
Feel free to bring your children along with you.
Current Study: Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst
This Bible Study will start back up on January 27
Feel free to bring your children along with you.
Current Study: Unglued by Lysa Terkeurst
This Bible Study will start back up on January 27
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesdays @6:00pm
Location: 209/211
This Bible Study group is a great opportunity for working women. This Bible Study is a part of our Wednesday Night Programming that starts at 5:15pm each Wednesday during the school year. Join us for the fellowship and the study. This Bible Study is open to all women high school age and older. Come and get deep in prayer in this women's adult group. Through 7 sessions, discover the root to clear and daily communication with God - humble obedience. Learn how surrender unlocks His many blessings intended for us, centers us in His will, and helps us discern His voice in everyday life.
Current Study: Take Courage: A Biblical Study of Haggai by Jennifer Rothschild
Leader: Sheri Young
Current Study: Take Courage: A Biblical Study of Haggai by Jennifer Rothschild
Leader: Sheri Young
Wednesday Women's Prayer Group
Wednesdays @6:00pm
Location: Fireside Room
This prayer group is open to all women that have desire to dive into spiritual disciplines, especially prayer. As part of Minier Christian Church's Wednesday Night programming, this group meets after the weekly meal. If you are looking to connect with a group of ladies that passionately believe in the power of prayer, this is the group for you. This is a no pressure group that provides another opportunity to get engaged with the church family as we pray for the church, community, and the world.
Leader: Amber LaBerge
Leader: Amber LaBerge