Core Beliefs of MCC


Ministerial Staff & Elders

Brady Cremeens

Lead Minister

Brady joined the MCC staff in June of 2024.  He came to MCC after nearly a decade at Lincoln Christian University, where he served as the Vice President of Advancement and Alumni, and before that the Vice President of Enrollment. He was raised in Hopedale, IL, became a member at MCC in 1999, and was ordained for ministry by the MCC eldership in 2021. Brady and his wife Melissa were married in 2016 and have two sons, Cash and Gus. In his free time, he enjoys golf, watching the Cubs, and reading.

Brady's focus will be on preaching and teaching the Word of God and empowering our church members to be disciples of Jesus.

Jim Webster

Associate Minister

Jim started as Associate Minister at MCC in October of 2021. He and his wife, Vicki, were married in 1987 and have three married children and two grandchildren.  Jim has been in vocational ministry since he was 19 years old.  Before coming to MCC, He was the preaching minister at Oak Forest Church of Christ in Brookville, IN for 19 years.  Jim enjoys spending time with his family, especially the grandkids.  He enjoys weightlifting, sports and watching movies.   Jim's mission is to serve Jesus by serving His children.  

Jim's focus is on leading the staff and ministry teams, as well as pastoral care, hospital visits, shepherding, and leading adult groups. 

Craig Petermen

Student Minister

Craig comes to us from Fort Wayne, Indiana after studying at and graduating from Central Christian College of the Bible in Moberly, MO, with a Bachelor's degree and a Masters of Art in Ministry Leadership. He married his lovely wife Kaylee in October 2022. His hobbies include watching sports, talking about sports, and playing sports (especially disc golf). He also enjoys traveling with his wife and a variety of board and card games.

Craig’s focus is on students in grades 6-12, working directly with them to build relationships and guide them to grow in their understanding and relationship with Jesus, our Savior.

Lindsay Michael

Worship and Tech Director

Lindsay has deep roots in this area. She grew up in the Olympia area, has family in this area, and even attended MCC throughout her childhood. She has two little girls named Gwenyth and Scarlett. Lindsay has a bachelor and a master degree in music and vocal performance from the University of Illinois, and has led worship and taught music in a variety of settings over the past few years, including serving as the Protestant Worship Director at the Recruit Memorial Chapel at Recruit Training Command, a Navy unit in Great Lakes, Illinois.

Lindsay's focus is on  creating and leading an environment that inspires authentic worship and devotion to our Lord and Savior. She also leads our social media team. 

Char Dial

Administrative Assistant

 Char is a longtime resident and community member of the Village of Minier. She is passionate about the community and brings that passion to the MCC staff. Char is married to her husband Joe Dial and has two daughters: Michelle (Married to Dane) and Amy (HS student). She is also a grandmother to one granddaughter and twin grandsons. Her favorite TV show is the Brady Bunch. She loves loves LOVES meeting new people, so feel free to stop in and say hi!

Char's focus is on the administrative work in the front office and lends a helping hand wherever. She also leads the Connections Ministry Team. 

The Elders of MCC

Dale Danklefsen

Steve Dreyer

Jeff Blessing

Dave Pepperell

Phil Birkey

Our Leadership Structure

1. Elders (1 Peter 5:1-4)
The Elders are men affirmed by the congregation. They bear the authority in,
and the responsibility for leading and shepherding the church.

2. Staff Members (Ephesians 4:11-12)
The staff is responsible to manage the day-to-day details of ministry and to train, delegate and
empower the church body to carry out the vision and mission the Elders believe God has called us to.
The Lead Minister is the primary teacher and the primary voice for the church’s vision and
mission. Additional staff members are hired according to the specific needs of the church.

3. Team Leaders (or Deacons) (Acts 6:1-4)
Biblically a deacon is a helper or a servant. Team Leaders oversee a specific area of ministry of the church.

4. Members & Regular Attenders (1 Corinthians 12)
The church is likened to a body, and every member is valuable to it.
Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and
the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up
the church, the body of Christ. - Ephesians 4:11-12