What we believe ...
We believe the Bible teaches that salvation—the forgiveness of sins—is only by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ. We believe the Bible teaches that one receives this gift of salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit by putting faith in Christ, repenting of sin, confessing Christ and being immersed into Christ. (Acts 2:38)
We believe that baptism is by immersion/submersion as derived from the Greek word baptizo - which means to dip, dunk, or submerge. It is essential in receiving the gift of salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
We believe that baptism is by immersion/submersion as derived from the Greek word baptizo - which means to dip, dunk, or submerge. It is essential in receiving the gift of salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Plan of Salvation
- Belief - John 3:18
- Repentance - Luke 13:3
- Confession - Romans 10:9-10
- Baptism - Acts 2:38
- Faithfully Live for Christ - Revelation 2:10
Here at Minier Christian Church, we believe salvation is a process that starts with faith and ends with a faithful life lived for Christ. One must believe in Jesus Christ, that He is real and the Savior of the world. Then there is repentance, which is a change of mind that produces a change of action. It is making a conscious 180 from living an unrighteous life to living a God-honoring holy life. The next step in the plan of salvation is confession. This is a public acknowledgement that Jesus is the Son of God and that you're a sinner that needs saved. Then comes baptism. This is by immersion for the forgiveness of sins, eternal life in heaven, and the indwelling Holy Spirit. This is the moment of salvation, where we receive the promise of eternal life and the indwelling Holy Spirit. We must then live a life of continued faithfulness to God, our Father until we join Him in heaven.
For more information on what baptism is all about, click the button below.