Core Beliefs of MCC

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We're so glad you're considering joining us at Minier Christian Church! MCC is a church committed to knowing God and making Him known (check out our "about" tab). MCCers are friendly, authentic, and desire to grow in love for God and each other. We strive to create an environment in our worship gatherings and other programs that fosters meaningful encounters with Christ Jesus, and we pray for the grace of God to help our people discover their gifts and use them for His glory. We are an imperfect church of imperfect people pointing each other toward our perfect God. All are welcome at MCC!

One of the best ways to get connected with MCC is to sign up for our email list. We generally send a Saturday email with events and announcement updates, and we send two weekly devotionals as well: one related to Sunday's sermon and one on some other topic related to the faith.

When We Meet

Sunday Mornings

Worship Service: 9:00 am
Life Groups & Teen Study: 10:30am

What To Expect

When you arrive on a Sunday morning, you can expect a warm, welcoming atmosphere, often with a volunteer greeting you at the door and ready to answer any questions you have about kids check-in, how to get around the building, and etc. We are a fairly casual church in terms of dress; so come as you are. Our worship services generally last about an hour, and we have nursery care available for little ones up to three years old.

Starting at 9 a.m., we generally open worship with a couple songs (congregational participation encouraged!) and a short welcome/devotional thought to prepare us for our time together, then a meditation on the Lord’s Supper leading into sharing in communion.

MCC practices “open” communion, which means you do not have to be an official member of Minier Christian Church in order to participate in the Lord’s Supper with us. However, you do need to be a member of THE church (the global family of baptized believers in the grace and salvation of God through Jesus). If you have placed your faith and trust in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life and been baptized in his name, you are invited and encouraged to take the bread and juice with us.

After communion, we dismiss the children (through grade 5) to MCC Kids programming and enter into a time of worship through the Word. Usually, sermons last about 35 minutes and are usually going to focus on biblical exposition (“exposing” the text) and how it points us to the truth and grace of the gospel. The sermon video archive is available under our media tab. After the sermon is another song or two (our music is a mix of contemporary and more traditional styles), the opportunity to support the ministry of the church financially, and announcements. After the worship service, we have free donuts and coffee available for our time of fellowship.

The Basics: Meaningful Membership at MCC

We invite (and strongly encourage!) you to join us for our four-week introduction class we call MCC Basics. Hosted twice a year or so, this is where we'll introduce new and new-ish MCCers to our church - our beliefs, practices, and history - and talk about what it means to become an official member of Minier Christian Church.

The purpose of this class is to help deepen relational connections with other MCCers, share the values and vibes of our church family, and offer an opportunity for you to take the next step in your faith journey. By the end of this class, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and understanding of how you fit into the bigger picture of our church and God's global church, and how you can get plugged in to serve. Sign up for MCC Basics

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.