Core Beliefs of MCC

Discover Jesus,
and Find Joy.

Isaiah 35:10


Minier Christian Church is a place where people can encounter the love of God,  engage in a community with Christian values, and find an authentic church family. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. All are welcome at MCC! Join us for our Sunday services!

Latest Sermon

If you missed a Sunday Service  and the livestream,  check out our sermon library.  Every sermon preached is recorded and uploaded, so you can always come back to rewatch sermons and be encouraged by God's message.  MCC is committed to the apostles' teaching through Biblically-accurate and relevant messages that encourage and convict. Check out our sermon library to see what we teach and believe. 

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

Worship Service - 9:00am
Adult Groups/Teen Study - 10:30am 

Wednesday  Nights

Bible Study Fellowship - 5:15pm
(Check calendar for dates)

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